At the heart of Tallis Post 16 is Student Voice. Integral to making positive changes happen within our community, Student Voice works hard to be a representative body for the school. We try to represent views on issues in school and more generally in education, meeting to discuss and debate within school and with the wider community.
There are many ways in which Student Voice communicates and operates within Tallis Post16: Democratic elections Each year we hold Student Voice elections to fill positions that enable students to take a lead role on the body. Each candidate writes a short statement, which is then looked at, discussed, and voted for by each tutor group. Names are removed from the voting form so it is impartial. We want votes for ideas, NOT for who you are! Research We constantly consult, through tutor groups, the opinions of the student body that we represent. Feedback is really fundamental to improving, not only what we do, but how we do it. There is also a suggestion post box in our Year 13 internet cafe and meetings are open to all. |
Student Voice last year made excellent changes to the provision for Tallis Post 16. These included gaining an additional X (private study slot) for those with over 90% attendance, sixth form only library times, tea in the sixth form cafe, year 13 study space exclusively in the downstairs library and so on! Meeting with outside speakers Student Voice are keen to continue with our exciting 'Tallis Talks' programme which is a chance to meet and discuss topical issues of the day with public intellectuals. If you know someone who would be interested in meeting with our student body to debate issues of the day, please get in touch! We are very proud of our achievements so far. If you want to make a difference to Tallis Post 16, come to Student Voice meetings. We meet fortnightly - check the noticeboard to see when.