Outstanding achievement for both academic and vocational students at this high-achieving mixed comprehensive school
Almost two hundred and thirty students took A2 or BTEC exams at Thomas Tallis this year, a rise of thirty students on 2014.
Three students take up places at the University of Cambridge, reading English (at Jesus College), Philosophy (at Gonville and Caius College) and Mathematics (at King’s College).
28% of students obtained A*/A/D* grades. 75% of A-level students obtained A*-C grades, and 76% of BTEC students obtained D*-D grades. Pass rates were 99% at A-level and 100% for BTEC.
Three students take up places at the University of Cambridge, reading English (at Jesus College), Philosophy (at Gonville and Caius College) and Mathematics (at King’s College).
28% of students obtained A*/A/D* grades. 75% of A-level students obtained A*-C grades, and 76% of BTEC students obtained D*-D grades. Pass rates were 99% at A-level and 100% for BTEC.
There were many astonishing individual performances: Celia Morris (A*A*A*A), Amlan Banaji (A*A*A), Mathilda Hadfield (A*A*A), Lakhandeep Dhanda (A*AAA), Austin Gerogianni (A*A*BB), Tilly Parker (A*AAD*), Victoria Elms (A*A*A). At BTEC eight students obtained D*D*D*. Another 155 students from Thomas Tallis are taking up university places, with almost sixty percent of these applicants going on to prestigious Russell Group, top ten and specialist universities such as the LSE, SOAS, King’s, UCL, Sheffield, Manchester, Warwick, Bath, UAL and Surrey. Forty of our students are taking up places at prestigious art colleges, including Camberwell, LCC, St Martin’s and Ravensbourne.
Head, Carolyn Roberts commented:
Head, Carolyn Roberts commented:
Like the rest of the school, our sixth form is an exciting and happy place. Our focus on learning through inquisitiveness, persistence, collaboration, discipline and imagination as well as their experience in a large comprehensive school gives our students an added advantage as they embark on the next stage in their lives. They leave us rounded and grounded, ready to change the world for the better.