Reporting an absence
Please notify us of your child’s absence in good time. Most parents and students are fantastic at doing this. A few aren’t, and this generates avoidable work for Tallis staff making phone calls to check up on students and so on.
In line with current practice in the workplace in Britain, please notify booked absences such as those for medical appointments to Mr Bell in advance. He can be contacted on [email protected] or 020 8331 3038. Mr Bell can immediately supply your child with an absence request form if they ask for one. We strongly encourage such appointments to be made outside lesson time.
Illness before the school day starts
If your child has an unexpected absence because they are unwell, please notify Mr Bell before 9 a.m. on the day of the absence. He can be contacted on [email protected] or 020 8331 3038. If you let Mr Bell know after 9 a.m., it is likely that we will already have sent an absence call and/or tried to contact you for an explanation. We would rather spend this time thinking about improving the achievement of our students!
Illness during the school day
If your child feels unwell during the school day they must see their Head of Year (either Ms. Odd or Ms. Lumsden) and the Head of Year will send them home if this is appropriate. We will normally contact home before doing this. Students must not go home without informing us: we need to know where our young people are.
In line with current practice in the workplace in Britain, please notify booked absences such as those for medical appointments to Mr Bell in advance. He can be contacted on [email protected] or 020 8331 3038. Mr Bell can immediately supply your child with an absence request form if they ask for one. We strongly encourage such appointments to be made outside lesson time.
Illness before the school day starts
If your child has an unexpected absence because they are unwell, please notify Mr Bell before 9 a.m. on the day of the absence. He can be contacted on [email protected] or 020 8331 3038. If you let Mr Bell know after 9 a.m., it is likely that we will already have sent an absence call and/or tried to contact you for an explanation. We would rather spend this time thinking about improving the achievement of our students!
Illness during the school day
If your child feels unwell during the school day they must see their Head of Year (either Ms. Odd or Ms. Lumsden) and the Head of Year will send them home if this is appropriate. We will normally contact home before doing this. Students must not go home without informing us: we need to know where our young people are.