There are lots of ways to format your CV but this advice comes from a highly respected company and is bang up to date:
Your name
Post code
Home telephone number
Mobile telephone number
(Unique Selling Point)
No more than four sentences using an example that can show-off your greatest skills/ talents/ achievements in or out of school – DO NOT BE MODEST! Examples include Duke of Edinburgh Awards/ charity & voluntary work/ are you a carer/ enterprise projects/ school council/ drama & music productions/ team activities.
EDUCATION (Always start with the latest course/qualification and work backwards)
Date Establishment, District.
Course title Grade/predicted grade
Summarise course content relevant to job. (Only do this for your latest course/qualification).
ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (If appropriate for job include First Aid/Driving License/Music/Sports etc)
Date Qualification, Issuing board.
EMPLOYMENT (Always start with the latest employment and work backwards)
Date Organisation, District.
Job title
Responsibilities (Always make the tasks sound important! e.g Putting stock out = stock replenishment to a marketing plan. Putting stock away = stock management. Emphasise the transferable skill e.g Worked on the till = position of trust requiring honesty. If you did “boring stuff” you completed routine tasks diligently because all activities are important to the success of the business).
HOBBIES/INTERESTS (Use bullet points and link activities to transferable skills) Possible headings:
Reading Always refer to a favourite author or genre.
Films Always refer to a favourite Director or genre.
Sport Always refer to positions of responsibility and/or outstanding achievement.
Social I enjoy an active social life.
Community Include babysitting/ looking after elderly neighbours/ petitions/ charitable sponsorship activities.
(Always include two referees. As a school leaver it is acceptable to have one or even both as academic referees. When you have had two full/part-time jobs both should be your referees. )
Name Name
Title Title
Organisation Organisation
Street Street
District District
Town Town
Post code Post code
Use a simple font like arial, times roman, verdana.
You check AND get someone else to check spellings/grammar.
Always submit a WP’d CV.
Always post in an A4 envelope.
Always check your referees are happy to be your referee – a bad reference will cost you the job!
Tailor the evidence in the CV to the particular job role – Use the job description/person specification/job advert to help you identify what skills, experiences, qualifications to emphasise.
When you have at least one years employment experience put the Employment category ahead of the Qualification category. Provide a more detailed explanation of the job description emphasising relevant transferable skills.
Always make a copy of the CV you send (make a note of what CV/covering letter goes to which organisation – this will be useful if you are called for an interview because they will ask you questions about the CV. You can even take a copy of the CV & letter of application with you to refer to).
Always submit the CV with a covering letter (letter of application) if you are responding by post. WP it unless asked to write by hand.
Take the time to find out the name of the person you should address the letter to – this is far more impressive than just writing Dear Sir/Madam or The Manager.