Claire Powell "a brilliant, brilliant school" A couple of times I’ve been met with surprise when I’ve told people I went to a state school in south-east London. ‘You’ve done very well,’ they’ve said, as though it‘s a miracle I wasn’t distracted by stabbings, happy slappings and teenage pregnancies.
Preconceptions about London comprehensives aside, Tallis was (I’m sure still is) a brilliant, brilliant school. And - without meaning to sound like that character from The Fast Show – I especially think of Sixth Form as being a brilliant time. In some ways I was lucky: the three subjects I chose for A-Level were subjects I loved and subjects the school is known for excelling at (English Literature, Drama and Art). The teaching was fantastic but it was also relaxed, and we were suddenly treated like young adults rather than children. It was a safe environment but also an exciting one. |